Friday, 11 May 2012

Time Pod Final Evaluation

The purpose of this project was to produce a series of researches on artists such as Douglas Alves, Snalik, se – Johan Thornqvist and John Grimwade, well as to gather information’s for instance: what is graphic design, search for the list of art movement, key events of the Twentieth Century which influence art, Saatchi Art Gallery and many of other artists which could be inspiriting for me.
After all of the research  I have done, I then produced a simple Time Pod of Art using machine font. Produced Time Pod is to show all of the different art movements from 1850 to 199 and present year. Thirteen movement, using photographs for each separate movement which gives you the option to observe what the names of movement exactly means.
The layout I have created reminds me of a steep staircase where the present starts from upstairs, then deeply you go then more visible is the present art. In this case I though not to use as little unnecessary details which would blend the focus from what really is important. I do like the system with clear expression of time pod movement which is easy to understand.

I have done the expect layout I wonted, I don’t think there is a need of changing anything specific, make the photographs more compressed so the whole scale would be longer and thinner. The list of movements I have used : Digital Art, Modern Street Art, Maassurrealism, Neo Expressionism, New Realism, Pop Art, Abstract Expressionism, Romanticism, Surrealism, Expressionism, Post Impressionism, Impressionism, Realism. I think I have produced really good final outcome but through this project I don’t think I could show my skills and creativity. This is because the outcome must came out specifically simple and elegant.

Final outome

Artist - John Grimwade

The artist who designs the different types of Diagrams, maps and icons, both for himselves and to the companies and the big productions. Some examples of building projects are visible, flying airplanes, maps, and an equal design of icons that represent different shapes of buildings and other symbols.
Straight line, used only those which underline a particular important points, no further with a mixture of bright colors, but simple, no fuss, but the most common color used was blue. This artist used the classic simplicity to each of his projects but speak forth by each project also elegance.
I like much that even without the use of shadows in the usual places needed but any way the designs may look pleasing to the eye, and even better with not need the use of shadows. I might just try to focus on similar points which he used in his designs, without using any decorative drawings which aren't needed between the system of time into.
I was trying to find something about his past, something that could have resulted form the executioner he was interested in this type of art, and began his career, he attained it all to now he came and something about his past, but I could not find anything on the internet what would have written especially about it.

Final exhibition piece

Inspiration Photographs
The intentions I had for this project was to make full sketchbook that illustrates learning, researches and type of techniques I tried. I have visit the Tate Britain to conduct primary research into Turner and his work which from I took some notes and mainly sketches of the work. In Tate Britain I also looked at the three interesting and eye catching artists; Edward Lear, Gerald Scarfe and Rebecca Warren. I also visit Bishop's Palace Gardens where I been asked to take pictures and make some sketches what I have seen. I took twenty pictures of really interesting and great views of this park and 15 minutes earch long observation rough sketches that came out really good. Through this sketchbook I tried to explore the techniques and impact that Turner has on painting. I had also approached to contemporary painters that had context with Turner's and each others work which was Andrew Newell Wyeth, David Hockney and Anselm Kiefer. By collecting all those informations about each one of them I created a journal of contextual study and a time line pod. I also talked more closely about some of the techniques that are very familiar to artists as well as those lesser known or rarely seen. The techniques I done researches on are; watercolours painting and materials that is need for them, venturing the outside, charcoal, oil painting, mechanical drawing, Van Gogh technique and transfers. In addition to three artists in which I looked at Tate Britain, I also done my research on three other artists which is Van Gogh, Casper David Friedrich and Edgar Degas. I produced a presentation demonstrating how will I use this knowledge to support my own work. I also give my work a grade by carefully considering the evidence I have for the outcomes. Then I came out with my final piece to add up all the things I learned Through this month.

This project was about epic landscapes mainly taken from artists that I been asked to search through. I'm not really passionate in landscapes so this project wasn't something what attracted my attention but I really liked to search through all the artists and techniques I been asked to look for. This is why I came out with many researches in my sketchbook, that why I think this is my strength in this project. I think I done more writing than my own paintings and that why I think my final outcome didn't came out so good so it is my weakness.
Materials that I choose to use for my final piece is double A0 black paper, charcoal and soft pastels. I chose this big scale of the final because well as many of those artists like to work on big paper well as me because then you can concentrate more on details and everything that can be seen more clear. I think I chose to use black paper as the charcoal experiment on black background, that time I thought it came out really good and I wanted to show my final piece in darker side so that black background would be perfect for this.

Charcoal spreads very quickly over a large area so by sing this technique, the same piece of colouring surface structure wouldn't take me few hours. The artists I based my final design on is own J.M.W. Turner, Anselm Kiefer and Caspar David Friedrich. As you can see I changed my decision through the time making from presentation. I chose Turner because the task of the outcome is mainly about this artist so that I took sunflowers that he represent many time in the paintings but only changing the black and white into colours used. Anselm Kiefer inspired me with his beautiful paintings representing sky only in the late Turner, beautiful colours well as the style he represented in each one of his outcomes. I like Caspar David Friedrich by the atmosphere he chose to give, romantic but sad.

The atmosphere of my final piece is depressing and sad through that I used colours in flowers. By many of years I chose to use only black and white colours, now I'm trying to get used to into colours what can be seen in each painting I'm making. By the painting artists makes, they showing their expression and what they feel in the right time, this is exactly what I tried to do in this point. I only turn eighteen and people says that in the end of seventeenth your life changes, at the beginning it was hard but it was worth to go through all this so that things changed that something could end. By adding colours I tried to make it look as the dark side shine with bright on some views, but as I could see on the outcome it didn't worked out.

The things that need to be improved is well planning of final outcome, time planning more writing about what go I think about some things, of course more paintings and experiments. I think I haven't came out with really good idea of final outcome because I places that would be needed to show my own point of view. Because I don't think landscapes is something that I amhaven't think about it much and also because on the painting I spend very little time, only 5 hours. As this carries on to the very poor time planing, by the time I didn't have many days to make my final piece because I hurry to finish my sketchbook. I also see that because of the time consuming on other stuff I forgot completely to show my own opinion in some  good at so I haven't done much of paintings well as drawings. I could also do more of experiments before making my final piece so that I wouldn't be so disappointed about the final outcome.
What I could improve in my final piece is the whole design and also I could short a little bit the size of the paper. I like the idea of sky at the back but I would use more of colours on the background showing the sunset, the sunflowers could be more detailed and more realistic well as by having more time I could add much more things I had in plans to get done. By the beginning I had plans to draw a person and just a little bit of sunflowers at the front. I chose to draw a person as we are surrounded by full of landscapes which we pass every day in our life but never seen it. 

Power Point Presentaion

Respond to – Johan Thörnqvist

Inspired by - Johan Thörnqvist I have designed two drawings using photos of Brighton and tracing paper. One gives an expression if the world was behind glass but the secound as if it would be under the water.
Photos used are from Brighton Gallery lanterns along with signs indicating two side spaces where the 
 right side appears with quarter of the gallert roof is sticking out. The street light, slabs and on a roof visible id simple sketches of small towns with two lifts and an airplane balloons. On the tracing paper also visible is three times larger sketches of two animals, such as a fly and the frog which gives the effect of 3D, give the expression of glass separated between the city and the animals. The idea of adding the animas was decited by my, through what expression does it gives and the own   imagination what is happening and gives you to think that animals with scale three times bigger from people can be found as a monsters.
 I think that the respond was very successful even if I did not use Photoshop much, but I did combined the tracing paper with the photo where I have developed my sketched ideas. What would I be able to change for this design is to make it look more impressive to enlarge the city and make more realistic frog, like flies.

Photograph produced in Brighton down the beach, what does the photo represents is a street lamp on the left side which is completely different style  from the first photograph respind I have take. Old looking food house of over clocking roof and white with black barrier that separate the a human from the sea. Lots of space used where only the sky is visible whih is blue and white color composing look quite interesting. On the lamp I painted a small town with a submarine boat flowing down through where it gives you expression that the people inside can see animals bigger pie from the reallity. Animals I chose to sketch is neo fish and octopus. The fish bubbles emerge of which gives the effect with everything going on under the water.
I expect if I had the chance to improve this respond to certainly sketch on the bottom line would emerge underwater plants and added a lot more animals using different scales.

Artist – Johan Thörnqvist

Wonderful and inspiring artist, Johan Thornqvist that uses photos combined with cartoon drawings.Thornqvist to begin his amazing artwork he starts with taking pictures which inspire him and the places that would have been on the best to use different cartoon scenes. By using images which Thornqvist decided to use, first need to change the colors and little strength which puts later on, carefully designing the imagination drawings so that it looked like a fairly tale  which appears in the real world. I expect a similar technique is also used in similar tales where things go is not realistic in movies. I think it would be the easiest way to Magnocraft it by using tracing paper to sketched an idea on that is in his head to see if the two worlds would fit together exactly and later, the artist painted them on the photoraph that is printed on canvas. Shapes are simple, clean blocks of colors used, without the shadow used.
 It seems to me that he is one of the best artists I had been asked to research aboout. I like everything exactly in each of the pieces he came out with, style of photographs used and also the fabulous drawings which remind me of the old tales. Artist often uses situations are not realistic that is more fascinated at what he does.

Respond to Douglas Alves

Artist - Douglas Alves

'' His career began in 2000, working in shops and interactive advertising agencies in Brazil. After 5 years he decided to become independent and develop their skills further illustration. In 2007 he moved to California, where he live so far. An enthusiast who loves to explore the illustrations for nature, form and surreal collages. Over the years, he had the good fortune to work with interesting clients, such as Honda, The BBC, Scientific America, Zune, MTV, Coca-Cola and Burton Snowboards amongst others. Some of his works, as well as his personal work has been published in books and magazines around the world. (I love the weather, every day is a sunny day, but when winter comes and somedays are weak, I miss my home town, Sao Paulo in Brazil, where you never know how the weather will be, but I love the rainy days down there.)''
With many of his artwork artist reminds me with a similar technique the Johan Thornqvist who mixture the realistic images are not real figures which could be of even designed on compurer than by hand. While Douglas Alves in his outcomes uses more of darker colors, usually black can be seen from the paintings are not realistic around but they look as if they were made by hand. This artist also appealed to me but his paintings so much better would be presented if he used a little more colors in all of its projects.

Saatchi art gallery

From Turner Drawing
I will need: Colour pens/ pencils
Chose a TURNER painting
'Early Turner'
Title: Fisherman at Sea
Dimensions; 91cm x 122cm
Date: 1796

What was the art movement of Turner work called.
  Free art style hat evolved after his studies of the Classic artist movement of old Moster painters.
Explain why the movement was called this way.
  The reason the drawing was called this way is because the images wave his chose, realistic and perfect detail used with colours suit into the mood he would like to bright us into.
Write what your first impression of the work are, what do you notice first.
  The first thing I have noticed were colours and whole the atmosphere he gave using the perfect situation on sea. Main thing that catch my eye was the combination on sky, the darked around light that tried to come out of the sky.
Explain what you like about the work.
 In this painting I like the catches atmosphere, no much colours used but mainly the sky. I love the way they came out. You can't really see the light used on my quick sketch but on his painting it looks amazing.
Look closely at the work and write what you can see.
 Waves looks almost as if Turner was forced of nature himself, to brush strokes to attain waves that must have been energetic. Contrasting with waves the sky seems to be more peaceful brush strokes, consisting of yellows, blue, black and the dominant black infuse with one another. To do this painting Turner was quite right in using oils, subtle effect, especially for this type of landscape.
New record contextual information about the work.
  'Turner's first oil painting in Tate Gallery. The depiction of the sea demonstrates a mastry of both particular and   generalities and contrast between the turbulent waters of the Solvent and the calmer water of the English Channel beyond the Needles. The night effect was influenced by Joseph Wright of moonlight scenes. From this first attempt at oil painting Turner goes on the paint his most important work, although he still extensively used watercolour especially on his sketching tours.
'Late Turner'
Title: The New Moon
Dimensions; 654 x 813mm
Dare: 184O

Write what you first impression are of the work.
  The first thing I have noticed was the mood, bright blocks of colours used and the line between sky and ground, Anothert hing that did catch my eye were shadows of people and two dogs, you can't really see how they look or what they doing but when I looked at it my imagination and suggestions worked.
Explain what you like about the work.
  I like that the artist haven't used dark colours, for example like in the early Turner. I like the atmosphere, what is going on the sea well as I do love the way he capture the sky and waves by only using watercolours.
Look closely at the work and write what techniques were used.
 This time the painting was made in calm lines used, you can't see the force through the lines of paint, only what comes out is what he wanted yo show. Sky also made similar technique, more energetic but still represent the same mood, calm and relax. By comparing both eras you can see how much did Turner changed.
Now record contextual information about the work and artist.
 As the mood appears over the Morgate sky, a dog playfully darts along the beach towards the sea, while two children stand bickering next to their mother. It is a timeless image with all the bright colours of the sunset on canvas. ''Morgate was inspirational for him because he came here as a child and later on life. He always said it was the quality of the light. Margate faces the north which is very unusual as the most places face south.''

The differences I notice between Turner's early and late work.
1. The mood used for both of the eras are really different and recognizable. Early work of Turner shows saddnes and anger but on later the colours and atmosphere is more sorted in and piece full.
2. The texture is more sorted in Later Turner then before well as more coloured used and only colours without any black used.
In my sketchbook i documented 3 contemporary artists I found in the Gallery.
Edwaed Lear, Gerald Scarfe and Rebecca Warren
20 minutes sketch Vanice from the Porch of Madonna della Salute, Turner.
Quick sketch of one drawing I liked that Turner has painted, I made rough sketch sa I didn’t had much time to do them both. I like the every detail of this painting, bright colours especially the reflection in the water. Then feather you look then lighter background is used, I underlined the buildings that aren't done in his painting. You can see many of boats at the front with some small ones with people on the front going for their own direction. The situation could be catches in Paris by seeing whole the water right on the middle of the town. I might try his technique feather, maybe also in my final piece. He always makes sky yo stand out but not mainly in his one. 
JMW Turner, Dutch Boats in a Gale 20 minutes sketch.

The rough sketch of Turner painting I done does reminds me of Japan style of art which isn't one of my favourites art type to use. As it is obvious that the Turner strong side was to paint sky, half or sometimes even more of paper was filled in with sky painting like for example in this painting and the rest is set with ground. I do like the boat detail used well as the whole combination that is made with really dark colours, mainly black used. I found difficult the waves to draw as you can see, this is because of many details and many lines used, shading that can take you so many hours. I may use his technique feather but probably using different type of landscapes.

Events that influence art

Key events of the twentieth century:

1912 - RMS Titanic

RMS Titanic sank in the North Atlantic on 15 April 1912, after hitting an iceberg during its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York. On April 14, 1912 at zdezeniu ship inside the hull to buckle in several places on his right side was destroyed, and opened five of its sixteen watertight compartments to the sea. In the next two and a half hours, the ship gradually filled with water and sank with more than a thousand people on board. It killed 1514 people. those in the water died within minutes of hypothermia by the freezing ocean.While the larger ships were built, the Titanic was the largest ship on the water during its maiden voyage. Her passengers were among the richest people in the world, and over a thousand emigrants from Great Britain and Ireland, Scandinavia and others seeking a new life in North America. Advanced security features have been used, but lacked enough lifeboats to accommodate all persons on board. Many of those who survived lost their money and belongings and left without a way of life.
Titanic was one of the bridge of ships known in history, her memory kept alive by many books, folk songs, films, exhibitions, and memorie.

1914 - 1918 - World War I

02.jpg (14033 bytes)World War I from the beginning until 1939 was a major war centered in Europe, which began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918. It covered all the powers of the two opposition alliances and central. more than seventy million military, including 60 million Europeans have been mobilized in one of the greatest wars in history. More than nine million combatants died, mainly due to the great technological advances in firepower without adequate progress in mobility. It was the sixth deadliest conflict in world history. On 28 July, open conflict with the Austro-Hungarian invasion of Serbia after the German invasion of Belgium, Luxembourg and France and the Russian attack on Germany. In the East, the Russian army successfully fought against the forces of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but was forced back by German troops. Russian Empire collapsed in March 1917, and Russia left the war after the October Revolution years later. Germany, which had their own problems with the revolutionaries at the time, agreed to a ceasefire on 11 November 1918, later known as the Day Suspension Broni.Wojna ended in victory for the Allies. At the end of the war, four imperial power, German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires ceased to exist. The successor states of the former two had lost a large amount of territory, and two others were destroyed completely. Map of Central Europe was redrawn into several smaller states.

1940 - Battle of Britain

Heinkel He 111 during the Battle of Britain.jpgBattle of Britain air campaign mainly over southern and central England, fought between the German and British air force during World War II, during the period from 10 July to 31 October 1940. Is also defined as the Battle of Britain, especially in British historiography. This was the first campaign waged only by air.
The interval of the battle July 10 to October 31 was introduced by British historians, and refers to the period of most intense air raids took place in the course of the day. German historians often use the time interval August 1940 to May 1941.

1939 - 1945 - World War II

The largest military conflict in world history, which lasted from September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945. Some episodes of the war played out even in the Arctic and North America. The main parties to the conflict were the Axis and the anti-Hitler coalition. In war, 1.7 billion people attended, including 110 million with a gun. According to various estimates, were killed in it from 502 to 783 million people. September 3 entered the war Britain and France. Some historians as the beginning of World War I consider Sino-Japanese war, launched on 7 July 1937 invasion of Japanese troops. A harbinger of the coming conflict was the rise of nationalist sentiments and aspirations of the expansive from the Axis, which expresses itself in an attack by Benito Mussolini ruled Italy in Abyssinia. From Italy, another example of violation of international law and expansionism was the seizure of Albania in Spring

1950- War in Korea

The Korean War, starting with the June 25, 1950 to 27 July 1953. The war between the Republic of Korea and Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The Korean War was primarily a result of a political division of Korea under an agreement with the victorious Allies at the end of the war in the Pacific at the end of World War II. Korean peninsula was ruled by the Empire of Japan to end World War II.
There are no free elections throughout the Korean peninsula deepened the division between the two parties. The situation escalated into open warfare when North Korean troops invaded South Korea. This was the first major armed conflict of the Cold War. In 1950, the Soviet Union boycotted the UN Security Council in protest at the representation of China government, which fled to Taiwan after defeat in the Chinese civil war.
341 000 international troops who support the South Korean forces with twenty other countries, UN aid the victim. Suffering heavy losses, within two months, the defenders were pushed to a small area known as the Pusan ​​perimeter. The active phase of the war ended on 27 July 1953, when the agreement was signed ceasefire. The agreement restored the border between the Koreas near the 38th parallel and created the Korean demilitarized zone, but little fighting continues to this day. Both North Korea and South Korea sponsored by external forces, the Korean War was a proxy war.

1963 - Death of Kennedy's assassination in

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35, president of the United States, was assassinated at 12:30 am Central Standard on Friday, November 22, 1963, in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. Kennedy was fatally shot while traveling with his wife. Kennedy is the last of the four presidents who were assassinated. He went to Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield and William McKinley, all of them fatally shot.
Ten months of investigation by the Warren Commission which stated that the president was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone and that Jack Ruby acted alone when he killed Oswald before he could stand trial.
These requests were initially supported by the American public, but polls found that 80 percent of Americans have suspected that there is a conspiracy or cover-up.United States House Select Committee on the killings in 1979, said that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. both the original FBI investigation and the Warren Commission Report to be seriously flawed. Agreeing with the Commission that Oswald fired all the shots that caused the wound Kennedy, concluded that there were at least four Shots. This assassination is still a subject of general debate and spawned numerous conspiracy theories and alternative scenarios.

 1969 - Landing on the Moon (Armstrong and Aldrin)

Apollo 11 wylądował pierwszych ludzi, Amerykanie Neil Armstrong i Edwin Aldrina na Księżyca w dniu 20 lipca 1969 roku. Misja uważa się ważnym osiągnięciem w historii eksploracji.
 Wystrzelony z Kennedy Space Center organizowania skomplikowanych 39 w Merritt Island na Florydzie był trzecia księżycowy misji. Załoga składała się z Armstronga i Aldrina jako dowódca jako pilot modułu księżycowego, z wierszem Module Pilot Michael Collins. Armstrong i Aldrin wylądowali na Morzu Spokoju i stał się pierwszym ludziom stanął na Księżycu. Ich księżycowy moduł, Eagle, spędził 21 godzin 31 minut na powierzchni Księżyca, natomiast Collins pozostał na orbicie w poleceniu modułu Columbia. [Trzy astronauci wrócili na Ziemię 24 lipca, lądowanie w Oceanie Spokojnym. Przywieźli z powrotem 47,5 funtów 21.5 kg.
 Apollo 11 spełniony cel prezydenta USA Johna F. Kennedy'ego lotu na Księżyc przed Związkiem Radzieckim: "Wierzę, że ten naród powinien zobowiązać się do osiągnięcia celu, przed tym dziesięcioleciu jest obecnie, z lądowania człowieka na Księżycu i powrocie go bezpiecznie na Ziemię ".

1978 - The election of Cardinal Wojtyla as pope
16 October 1978 from the chimney above the Sistine Chapel white smoke rose. Soon, stunned world learned of the new successor to the Holy Pope
of distant Polish.
September 29 the same year, after 33 days of his death, John Paul I. After the funeral, there was a ten, the shortest of the possible, the required provisions of the Constitution of the Apostolic period. For the 111 candidates, this was the time of reviewing candidates.
Initially, the candidates appeared in the names only of Italian favorites, including the conservative Cardinal Giuseppe Siri
of Florence. On the first day, two wounded and two Southern votes, no one has obtained the required number of two-thirds plus one. Cardinal Wojtyla got 5 votes. After the seventh glossing Wojtyla although lacking the required majority ran. The real breakthrough turns out to be a statement by Cardinal Sebastiano Baggio, who openly advocates for Wojtyla. In the eighth and final ballot, Cardinal Wojtyla of voted for him 94 candidates. In homage to his predecessors, takes the name John Paul II.

1977 - The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
Resyjska nuclear power plant in Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant is decommissioned nuclear power plant near the town of Pripyat in the Ukraine, 11 miles from the Ukrainian-Belarusian border and about 68 miles north of Kiev. Reactor 4 was the site of the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, the plant is now known as the large area bounded by the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Nuclear power plant site to be deleted in the direction of this order came into force.

1989-   The fall of the Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was a barrier built by the German Democratic Republic from the day that completely cut off from the surrounding West Berlin and East Germany from East Berlin barrier. The wall was erected to protect its citizens from fascist elements conspiring to prevent. In practice, the wall was used to prevent mass emigration and defection. coined as a wall of shame and condemnation by the mayor of Walla, a restriction on freedom of movement. 3.5 million limit emigration eastern block, the number of crossing the border from East Berlin to West Berlin. Between 1961 and 1989, the wall to prevent nearly all such emigration. about 5,000 people tried to escape over the wall, with estimates of fatalities resulting varying between 100 and 200After several weeks of civil unrest, the East German government announced on 9 November 1989, all GDR citizens could visit West Germany and West Berlin. Over the next few weeks, a euphoric public and souvenir hunters chipped away parts of the wall, the governments of industrial equipment later used to remove most of the other. The fall of the Berlin Wall paved the way for German reunification.