Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Visual Recording

Orange Logo

In the advertise a variety of different types of outline phones is arranged by overlapping on each other so that it makes a shape of circle. colours used for the outlines are white and orange, depends on the place. The shape give you thought about orange as the fruid, network of mobile connection and glbe where the space of land is underlined using white outlines of phones. The rest is covered with orange colour so that i catch you attantion well as it makes you think about orange as a fruid. Through using black bacground, the colours are contrasting with each other what is the another thing that catch you eye. There is no shadow used or any difficult shapes what makes it understand really clearly and also make it interesting for the audience. By the texture used and whole of the simple bits added, the text I think of that is the message is ' The world is conected with orange' what tells you that many people around the world are using orange network to each other, not matter how far it is.
What really did interest me in this design is how the designer consider all the parts that he used. The things that are not needed is not used, only the shapes that comminicates with audience and can send the clear message, sonething somple but also fascinating.

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