Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Conflict Magazine Layout Final Evaluation

My aim for this project was to design interesting and eye catching magazine style layout using graphic and typography. The magazine layout should be based on Conflict taken from the world, the theme I have chose is Joseph Kony army where everyone in the UK, US and Uganda been involved by.
Through my website (blogger) I have shown mine learning and the developement for the final outcome. There is many of interesting artists to look at and websites where the graphics techniques and layouts has been  found. The artists I have looked at is Josh Vanover, Alberto Cerriteno, Ed Fella, Steve Yee, Art Chantry, Craug Ward and tutorial of his work. I haven't shown full of my skills as I been aiming for but I have come up with many of interesting development and I have also learned many of different styles and informations found through this project. There are one specific artist I have gain my inspiration from which is Josh Vanover. The reason I havent used Yee or  eather ArtChantry is because I haven't got enough of time in my time table. As further I have gone I have experiment more with the ideas before choosing my final outcome.
The tinformations I been searching for was research about The Face magazine, Wet magazine, 80s retro idea, comparing three of magazine layouts which were, goo, bad and ugly, what typography is, typography of certain mood or feeling, informations about Joseph Kony and Retro tutorial. This has helped me to develop and come up with specific style of magazine.
What I have learnd through this project is not only the styles and techniques that could be used, I also have found that I should of spend more time to develop my ideas well as my final oucome to end up with perfect artwork which also could be inspired more then just with one specific artists and style.  

Final outcome

Layout for my magazine, typography and pictures.

CA Normal Regular font of the main heading using capital letters 'HEAR WHAT IS THE Joseph Kony?'. The writing is simple, as printed in the daily newspapers or using hand machine. The first thing that I have chose is black background, mainly because of the image which is based on black colour to blend it along with the photograph. Photo goes on across the middle of the whole line at the bottom of double page spread layout, displaying the photo of three kids, aged between five and eight, lying on the ground where the camera turns on their faces, looking like the camera would be set on the floor. Three of the children that are the children from Uganda that were abducted by one of the Joseph Kony army, but on this photograph they look happily, visible by their smile. It can be seen that a child in the middle is one of the lider's because the two placed on two sides are in the shadow of his gaze returned to him. On the right side visible is inspired technique by Josh Vanover place where the squares wouldn't exactly obscure the faces of children or either writing. Photo also been transformed in PhotoShop to be two tones darker. Right side shows red badge that has already been used for magazine ideas that I have designed before. It is located on the upper corner of the photograph which slightly overlaps the black space of writing. The circular badge is located on the reverse triangle down which bring down the Kony saying in Kona 2012. As the only background is red so that it caught the greatest attention. On the left side of the lower photograph bears a dialogue conversation between Jacob and Russell who is also leader of the whole company by Joseph Kony was heard. While between the heading and the photo, where the left has been berth for the information to position the grey:

Conversation with Jacop, one of the children from Uganda:
Jacop: we worry that the rebels... they will kill us. My brother tried to escape then they killed him using a panga. They cut his neck.
Jason Russell: Did you see it?
Jacop: I saw… So it is better when you kill us if it is possible. For us, we don’t want to stay.
Jacop: I saw… So it is better when you kill us if it is possible. For us, we don’t want to stay.
Jason Russell: You would rather die then stay on earth?
Jacop: Yes
Jasson Russell: Now, even now?
Jacop: Even now. How are we going to stay in our future? ... 
 Stop the group L.RA. Lord’s Resistance Army. Lieder Joseph Kony. To stop him, ward need to hear what the Joseph Kony is. 99% of the planet don’t know who he is, if they knew, Kony would be stopped long time ago. Joseph Kony has an army, what he's doing is taking a children from they parents and he gives them a gun for shoot and he make then shoot and kill other people. He force them to do bad things. Kony abducted kids just like Jacop. For 26 years has been kidnapping children into his rebel group L.R.A. turning the girls into the sex leaves and the boys into fighters. He makes them mutilate people faces and he forces them to kill they own parents. This is not only few children its been over 30 thousand of them. Jackop was one of them. As the Kony crimes ain't bad enough his enough his not fighting for any cause, but only to maintain his power, he is not supported by anyone, he has repeated used talks re arm and murder again and again. Kony different times proposed peace and then just regained then just regained strength and attacked. This has been going on for years. The crimes basically are crimes against humanity and war crimes committed against the civilian population including murder, sexual slavery, rapes, abductions. A 14year old boy who escaped reports that Joseph Kony now knows of the United States plan to stop the LRA and he is going to change his tactics to avoid capture, now that the great power is after him. Change his tactics to be even harder to catch him. If we take the pressure of if were not successful, he is going to be flowing his numbers.
One of my favourite novels of the outcome came forth best by the very contrast of colours with the same detail is not distract from the informations. But if I had a chance to improve my final outcome I would try to use the colour white as the background I bright same photograph. I also tried to show more specific technique of the artist so that the effect was about 100% better. I also think the letters used could be provide the information may have been much brighter to viewed informations clearly.

Friday, 1 June 2012

3 - 5 Magazine layouts ideas

Design 1 http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/bitstream/futura/
Stop the group L.RA. Lord’s Resistance Army. Lieder Joseph Kony. To stop him, ward need to hear what the Joseph Kony is. 99% of the planet don’t know who he is, if they knew, Kony would be stopped long time ago. Joseph Kony has an army, what he's doing is taking a children from they parents and he gives them a gun for shoot and he make then shoot and kill other people.
He force them to do bad things. Kony abducted kids just like Jacop. For 26 years has been kidnapping children into his rebel group L.R.A. turning the girls into the sex leaves and the boys into fighters.

He makes them mutilate people faces and he forces them to kill they own parents. This is not only few children its been over 30 thousand of them. Jackop was one of them. As the Kony crimes ain't bad enough his thousand of them. Jackop was one of them. As the Kony crimes ain't bad enough his enough his not fighting for any cause, but only to maintain his power, he is not supported by anyone, he has repeated used talks re arm and murder again.

 Black background with the merging of the child from Uganda which was one of the injured children by Joseph Kony. White and black logo of incisible children company that the child covers the right side of logo covers but I still found it clear to read. Everything appart from the left-hand side is white and black which gives a seriousness, I do not divert from the more important things. Left hand in the shape of a peace founded with a red bracelet which is attached to round metal saying Stop at nothing proverbs of the company. Gray letters used for the informations found about the case. What could I change in this design is the own color of writing, maybe white or red as well as the technique used, by inspiring artists could be used to my designs.

Design 2 http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/la-goupil/paris/
Invisible Children, Inc. is head quartered in San Diego and employs 43 full-time, permanent staff who work alongside hundreds of volunteers to spearhead our awareness and advocacy work internationally.
Invisible Children first began its work in Uganda in 2005. Invisible Children Uganda (ICU) began by working alongside local visionaries, such as Ms. Jolly Okot, who identified the areas of greatest need in northern Uganda at the time. Relying on this local leadership and expertise, Invisible Children Uganda worked to develop programs on the ground.
He force children to do bad things. Kony abducted kids just like Jacop. For 26 years has been kidnapping children into his rebel group L.R.A. turning the girls into the sex leaves and the boys into fighters. He makes them mutilate people faces and he forces them to kill they own parents. This is not only few children its been over 30 thousand of them.

 In another of my ideas I used only two pictures that are based on the same story. From one of the photographs I cut out a plate with an inscription 'Stop at Nothing', hands well as the writing I have end up with finnal effect of drawing photograph created on PhotoShop. On the left highlighted the picture of a three wery young kids which with  wisible is just a body of soldier from the LRA group with a gun in his right hand. Black background used to make detals stand out, the blending drama also shows the appearances in the situation. I like the previous and all of the layouts where I used a black background, the letters themselves could be of a much brighter and brighter.
Invisible Children, Inc. is head quartered in San Diego and employs 43 full-time, permanent staff who work alongside hundreds of volunteers to spearhead our awareness and advocacy work internationally. Invisible Children first began its work in Uganda in 2005. Invisible Children Uganda (ICU) began by working alongside local visionaries, such as Ms. Jolly Okot, who identified the areas of greatest need in northern Uganda at the time. Relying on this local leadership and expertise, Invisible Children Uganda worked to develop programs on the ground. ICU currently employs roughly 100 Ugandan professionals, working alongside four international staff members to implement and manage program activity on the ground. Three out of four of ICU’ s senior management team are Ugandan. Govement is trying to keep up, and other generation is concerned about tomorrow. Game has new rules.

Re use of Invisible Children logo company, but the scale is much smaller than the previous which calls attention to itself and different photo caption. On the right side is the line where found is the line
where found is the photograph with three visible children standing next to each other holding a weapon, each one of them has from five to seven years. The child appearing in the middle is one which  I have used several times in my subsequent and previous projects, appearing on the faces of indifference, but lso fear, no interest. Photo underlined with the stronger reflection of light where i have found that it might be better if I would merged it with the white background not black. And also in this project I could use a lot more than just highlighting techniques or brighten the picture.
Invisible Children first began its work in Uganda in 2005. Invisible Children Uganda (ICU) began by working alongside local visionaries, such as Ms. Jolly Okot, who identified the areas of greatest need in northern Uganda at the time. Relying on this local leadership and expertise, Invisible Children Uganda worked to develop programs on the ground. ICU currently employs roughly 100 Ugandan professionals, working alongside four international staff members to implement and manage program activity on the ground. Three out of four of ICU’ s senior management team are Ugandan. Current international staff members fill roles that revolve around communicating with ICU’ s San Diego office and international supporters. Govement is trying to keep up, and other generation is concerned about tomorrow. Game has new rules. Complicated world. In Uganda 2003 children are running through their life. People forget and you’ve got to remind them, it takes numbers to remind them and if interest wanes, then it’ll just, it’ll go away and I’d end up standing out there alone trying to do something to support completing the mission. It’s got to be 2012 stop the group L.RA. Lord’s Resistance Army. Lieder Joseph Kony. To stop him, ward need to hear what the Joseph Kony is. 99% of the planet don’t know who he is, if they knew, Kony would be stopped long time ago. Joseph Kony has an army, what he's doing is taking a children from they parents and he gives them a gun for shoot and he make then shoot and kill other people. He force them to do bad things. Kony abducted kids just like Jacop. For 26 years has been kidnapping children into his rebel group L.R.A.
turning the girls into the sex leaves and the boys into fighters.

White background with payloads the same kid as in previous designs, its inscription tshirt which now is more appearing by the size of a picture 'do more then just watch' it letting you know that everyone can took a  part in the company Invisible Children, which means that everyone in the world can participate. At the bottom of his right hand appears as if hooked around, red which brings the attention and gives you information of Kony in 2012. While on the left side we can see the portrait of Joseph Kony face bears fear and anxiety, it seems if he was looking into a child and whole of the information given about him. Only what could I add to this design is to combine two of the design ideas of Josh Vanover.

Conversation with Jacop, one of the children from Uganda: Jacop: we worry that the rebels... they will kill us. My brother tried to escape then they killed him using a panga. They cut his neck. Jason Russell: Did you see it? Jacop: I saw… So it is better when you kill us if it is possible. For us, we don’t want to stay. Jason Russell: You would rather die then stay on earth? Jacop: Yes Jasson Russell: Now, even now? Jacop: Even now. How are we going to stay in our future?... Stop the group L.RA. Lord’s Resistance Army. Lieder Joseph Kony. To stop him, ward need to hear what the Joseph Kony is. 99% of the planet don’t know who he is, if they knew, Kony would be stopped long time ago. Joseph Kony has an army, what he's doing is taking a children from they parents and he gives them a gun for shoot and he make then shoot and kill other people. He force them to do bad things. Kony abducted kids just like
Jacop. For 26 years has been kidnapping children into his rebel group L.R.A. turning the girls into the sex leaves and the boys into fighters. He makes them mutilate people faces and he forces them to kill they own parents. This is not only few children its been over 30 thousand of them. Jackop was one of them. As the Kony crimes ain't bad enough his enough his not fighting for any cause, but only to maintain his power, he is not supported by anyone, he has repeated used talks re arm and murder again and again.
Kony different times proposed peace and then just regained then just regained strength and attacked. This has been going on for years. The crimes basically are crimes against humanity and war crimes committed against the civilian population including murder, sexual slavery, rapes, abductions.  A 14year old boy who escaped reports that Joseph Kony now knows of the United States plan to stop the LRA and he is going to change his tactics to avoid capture, now that the great power is after him. Change his tactics to be even harder to catch him.

Black spaces disconnected from each other where at each different informations and images are used. On the right side bearing a red background with black outlines of a girl who is holding her finger over the mouth, what means the silence that is turned to the child. Second, the middle line in the white colour I used only black visible details. While on the right and last of appearing black and white drawing of the child turned  to a girl holding weapon on left with a sad face Express. The only design for which I do not think I could of make any changes for.

Font for magazine layout

Retro Tutorial

Tim Green
Hailing from Manchester in the UK, Tim Green is a freelance designer and illustrator, and an obsessive
collector of music and ephemera. He is now based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


      You will learn how to surreal montages that have that authentic washed out vintage look. If you choose your own shots, it’s not important to ensure they have a vintage appearance. In fact, it’s probably better if they don’t, as we want a consistent retro look that is best applied in Photoshop. What matters more is to ensure that the photos do not contain clothes, hairstyles, architecture or other elements that are obviously recent.  
      Step 1
       Create a new A4 portrait Photoshop document in RGB mode. Surfer as an important element in the piece, place asuitable photo at the top.
       Step 2
       Next, place a beach scene in the centre section of the document. Select the Eraser tool E and, using the settings shown and create a smooth transition between the two images.
       Step 3
       The next image added which had a clearly defined foreground to add perspective and depth to the piece which meant to blend it in. Simple used the Lasso tool L to select the pier, the person lying on it and the handrails, and pasted the selection into the bottom third of the document.
       Step 4
       Add a VW Camper van and the sandy beach it was parked on bit.ly/qC30cB. This was meant to be part of the foreground, repeated the procedure of Step 2 to blend it in and soften the edges. Change the van layer’s blending mode to Screen which made the contents vanish because the background layer is white by default. It can be can fix by selecting the background layer and inverted the colour to black Cmd/Ctrl + I.
       Step 5
       Once the composition is complete, it’s time to work on the colours. First, go to the Adjustments panel and add a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer at the top of the layer stack so that it affects all the other layers. Set the Brightness to +10 and Contrast to +20. This gives some bolder tones to work with.
       Step 6
       Here’s the important bit for that faded vintage feel. Add a Curves adjustments layer at the top of the layer stack. Select Red from the channels drop-down menu or hit Alt + 3 and adjust the red curve as shown essentially to increase the contrast in that channel.
       Step 7
       Hit Alt + 4 and tweak the green curve as shown, upping the contrast though not as much this time.
       Step 8
       Finally, hit Alt + 5 and adjust the Blue curve as shown, reducing the contrast a little. Vintage-style effect, although obviously it’s too garish as is.
       Step 9
       To rectify this, add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer at the top of the layer stack, and check the Colorize box. Use the hue and saturation settings shown to achieve a sepia tone and change the layer’s opacity to 40%. This gives a more muted look.
       Step 10
       To add to the vintage feel, scanned the back of a cloth-bound book to use as a textured overlay. You can download a texture from bit.ly/bKXsOa. Place the texture, ensuring it covers the whole canvas, then set the texture layer’s blending mode to Screen and the opacity low enough that the effect is subtle.
       Step 11
       At this point add more details, starting with another beachside crowd bit.ly/f1BeAI. Trie different layer blending modes to see what helped it fit best. Soft Light and moved the layer behind the pier/person to keep that edge clean.
       Step 12
       Add a sunset photo bit.ly/oSXCJ8, flipped horizontally to give the top of the image more interest. Some blending at the bottom of the sunset image was necessary as described in Step 2. Then set the layer’s blending mode to Overlay.
       Step 13
       The top area was looking a bit too washed out now, especially the surfer. To strengthen the colours, portion of sky from the VW Camper van image and placed it at the top, with an Overlay blending mode and with the opacity at 60%.
       Step 14
       Add some non-photographic elements by drawing circles, taking their colour from the main image with the Eyedropper tool. Merged all the layers containing the circles Cmd/Ctrl + E.
       Step 15
       To finish, duplicated the merged layer and experimented with its blending mode and also with layer positions, trying to find the most pleasing way to integrate the graphic elements into the final composition.

Craig Ward Tutorial

Step 1 – Creating the Background

The background of wallpaper is going to help set the mood. Using a dark background will make the typography stand out of the image. Create a new document with the dimensions you desire. 1280x1024px. Set ther foreground colour to a dark gray #111111 and the background color to black #000000. Then grab the Radial Gradient Tool and create a light to dark gradient near the center of your document.
Step 2 – Setting Our Text Boundary
Since the text to be in the shape of your choice, the easiest way to achieve the shape is going to create a large 9 and then use it to place other text. To accomplish this, grab Type Tool. Then place a 750px 9 using the font Century Gothic set to bold so that it is located in front of the center of gradient. Set the color to #6dcff6 since the font will look blue later. Then lower the opacity of the layer to around 20%, since it is only being used as a guide.
Step 3 – Placing the Type
Before jumping into the vast pool of words to fill the 9, think about what the ahead of time should be. Since the wallpaper is related to Tutorial9, fill in with words that define the site, such as Photoshop and Design. Think how different you want the type to appear. Limit ourselves to one font? Use only the font Century Gothic, because it has a strong yet clean look, and will allow easily to fit the font into the 9. Feel free to use multiple fonts in own work. For this, ifferent font sizes and styles can be used. Increase the size of a font and make it bold so that it stands out, or make it smaller and use a crisp or smooth style to make it more subtle.
Step 4 – Coloring the Text
Afrer having the vast stream of words filling our 9, you need to make this image look amazing. Lets start by lowering the opacity of 9 to around 2%. This way it will help give some border around our text, but not too noticeable.
Place all of the text layers into a Group Layer > New > Group. Duplicate the group by right clicking it and selecting Duplicate Group. Click OK when the dialog box appears. With the new group selected, right click it and select Merge Group. This will take all of the layers in group and place them onto a single layer. Hide the group that still has all of the text layers in it since having this single layer with all of the text. Select merged layer palette and add a Gradient Overlay Layer > Layer Style > Gradient Overlay.
Step 5 – Adding a Title
Let’s add a title to the wallpaper, Centruy Gothic / 36px / Italic and use the same gradient overlay as before, except from left to right instead.
Step 6 - Adding Texture
Now let’s add a texture over image. Place the texture on a new layer on top of your document. De-saturate the image Ctrl+Shift+U and set the layer to Overlay.
Step 7 - Re - Colorization
In the next steps add some more random and vibrant color to the image. Create a new layer and set foreground to #6dcff6 and background to #000000. Then go to Filter > Render > Clouds. After the layer is filled with a mixture of blue and black “clouds”, set the layer to Overlay and lower the Opacity to 25%.
Create another new layer and change your background color to white. Once again go to Filter > Render > Clouds to fill your layer with blue and white “clouds”. Then set layer to Overlay and lower the Opacity to around 70%.

Simple enough?

As you can see, the hardest part of this tutorial was filling the document was text. Adding effects was actually quite simple. After learning all of the tools in Photoshop you will find yourself creating complex works with minimal effort. Feel free to experiment and create your own unique works.
To get the effect above, create a new layer and went to Image > Apply Image. Then I used a Filter > Blur > Motion Blur and set the layer to Lighten with 35% Opacity. After that, create a Gradient Map (Layer > New Adjust Layer > Gradient Map) that went from #ec008c to #e77418. Finally set the gradient map layer to Vivid Light.

How to create a wet ink typography:

Follow this Photoshop tutorial to create an awesome distorted type design. Using a range of Photoshop brushes  you can create the appearance of printed type that has come into contact with drops of water, breaking up the text with oversaturated drips, runs and splats.
I was recently out at the clothes store and came across a cool t-shirt by Diesel. The design featured some nice typography that had been treated to some image manipulation to give an awesome effect of wet ink, as if the design has come into contact with drops of water that distorted the print.

I remember originally seeing a similar design by Craig Ward, with his amazing ‘Ink and water don’t mix’ design. I’m not sure whether Craig was also behind the t-shirt art, but I fancied giving the effect a go myself, so I booted up Photoshop and started experimenting. Follow this walkthrough to see the simple steps of creating a similar design, using ready-made brushes to distort some typography of our own.

Start work in Photoshop by creating a new canvas. I’ve chosen to create a landscape poster. Set out a phrase using a classy and sophisticated font, such as Bodoni.

Split the words into their own layers and move them into position to form a balanced layout, align elements of the words with the letters above and below to give structure.

We could get our hands dirty and splash some ink onto some paper and scan in the results, but instead we can take the easy route and use ready-made resources from generous designers and artists. Scour the web for collections of ink splatter brushes for Photoshop. Here’s the selection I personally picked out
Download and arrange the ABR files into a file. In Photoshop click the tiny arrow in the Brushes palette and select Preset Manager then load all the ink brushes.

Pick out interesting ink shapes from the various brushes and paint odd splats and runs over the type on a new layer. Adjust the size of the brush by using the square bracket keys.

Tailor the shape of the ink splatter towards a similar area of a letter, so for instance if it’s a long ink mark, paint this over a suitably long, straight letter.

Give some letters some major distortion by adding plenty of ink marks, but keep the words legible when viewed at 100%.

Some brushes in the set are created with paint brushes. Since this design is meant to look like it’s naturally distorted by water drops, just pick out the drops, splats and subtle drips.

You can reuse brushes while avoiding any repeating shapes by rotating the brush in the brushes palette. Grab the circular crosshair to adjust the angle.

When the design is nearing completion, download some spraypaint brushes to make use of tiny drips to add some little touches to the design.

Download a grungy paper texture to add some visual interest to the background. Desaturate the image and drop the opacity right down to 15% to leave subtle background tones.

Take a look over the design at 100% and make any final tweaks. Adjust the opacity of any layers that are taking too much prominence, and use a small soft round brush to blend in specific areas of ink and text.