Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Layout for my magazine, typography and pictures.

CA Normal Regular font of the main heading using capital letters 'HEAR WHAT IS THE Joseph Kony?'. The writing is simple, as printed in the daily newspapers or using hand machine. The first thing that I have chose is black background, mainly because of the image which is based on black colour to blend it along with the photograph. Photo goes on across the middle of the whole line at the bottom of double page spread layout, displaying the photo of three kids, aged between five and eight, lying on the ground where the camera turns on their faces, looking like the camera would be set on the floor. Three of the children that are the children from Uganda that were abducted by one of the Joseph Kony army, but on this photograph they look happily, visible by their smile. It can be seen that a child in the middle is one of the lider's because the two placed on two sides are in the shadow of his gaze returned to him. On the right side visible is inspired technique by Josh Vanover place where the squares wouldn't exactly obscure the faces of children or either writing. Photo also been transformed in PhotoShop to be two tones darker. Right side shows red badge that has already been used for magazine ideas that I have designed before. It is located on the upper corner of the photograph which slightly overlaps the black space of writing. The circular badge is located on the reverse triangle down which bring down the Kony saying in Kona 2012. As the only background is red so that it caught the greatest attention. On the left side of the lower photograph bears a dialogue conversation between Jacob and Russell who is also leader of the whole company by Joseph Kony was heard. While between the heading and the photo, where the left has been berth for the information to position the grey:

Conversation with Jacop, one of the children from Uganda:
Jacop: we worry that the rebels... they will kill us. My brother tried to escape then they killed him using a panga. They cut his neck.
Jason Russell: Did you see it?
Jacop: I saw… So it is better when you kill us if it is possible. For us, we don’t want to stay.
Jacop: I saw… So it is better when you kill us if it is possible. For us, we don’t want to stay.
Jason Russell: You would rather die then stay on earth?
Jacop: Yes
Jasson Russell: Now, even now?
Jacop: Even now. How are we going to stay in our future? ... 
 Stop the group L.RA. Lord’s Resistance Army. Lieder Joseph Kony. To stop him, ward need to hear what the Joseph Kony is. 99% of the planet don’t know who he is, if they knew, Kony would be stopped long time ago. Joseph Kony has an army, what he's doing is taking a children from they parents and he gives them a gun for shoot and he make then shoot and kill other people. He force them to do bad things. Kony abducted kids just like Jacop. For 26 years has been kidnapping children into his rebel group L.R.A. turning the girls into the sex leaves and the boys into fighters. He makes them mutilate people faces and he forces them to kill they own parents. This is not only few children its been over 30 thousand of them. Jackop was one of them. As the Kony crimes ain't bad enough his enough his not fighting for any cause, but only to maintain his power, he is not supported by anyone, he has repeated used talks re arm and murder again and again. Kony different times proposed peace and then just regained then just regained strength and attacked. This has been going on for years. The crimes basically are crimes against humanity and war crimes committed against the civilian population including murder, sexual slavery, rapes, abductions. A 14year old boy who escaped reports that Joseph Kony now knows of the United States plan to stop the LRA and he is going to change his tactics to avoid capture, now that the great power is after him. Change his tactics to be even harder to catch him. If we take the pressure of if were not successful, he is going to be flowing his numbers.
One of my favourite novels of the outcome came forth best by the very contrast of colours with the same detail is not distract from the informations. But if I had a chance to improve my final outcome I would try to use the colour white as the background I bright same photograph. I also tried to show more specific technique of the artist so that the effect was about 100% better. I also think the letters used could be provide the information may have been much brighter to viewed informations clearly.

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