Friday, 1 June 2012

Conflict Magazine Layout Project Proposal

My aim for this project is to design interesting and eye catching magazine style layout using graphics and typography. The magazine layout need to be based on hear before story where many of people been toughed by through the past year, the exact theme need to be chose by our self’s.
Through my website (blogger) I would like to show mine learning and the inspirations that could be used further as my final outcome. There is many of interesting artists to look at and websites where the graphics techniques and layouts can be found. I would like to show full of my skills and the places I took the inspiration from. There are two specific artists I would like to gain my inspiration from which is Josh Vanover and Steve Yee which I tho think that I might not have enough of time as the Yee is one of the artists that makes his designs confusing by using only word that makes the whole of the drawing which is time consuming.
As further I will go I would like to experiment more with the ideas before choosing my final outcome because many times as I go along I find more ways I could produce the layout and to representing the specific image so this time I would like to try to be more open on different techniques.
The first step of this project is to produce my time management so that I would be able to finish everything on time. The magazines that I been asked to do my research on is The Face, wet and 80s magazines, how did they develop so far and if the changes get worst or either better until now.
I'm really looking forwards to this project and I think that designing the magazine layout could be something inspirational. I though all ready what I would bring to my final idea, I have a rough mind map what it also could be based on but I might change my mind as I go along. Joseph Kony, story that has been going on for years but only few month ago it been heard by people in other countries the Uganda. I also would like to make a simple layout, no especially bright colours or something that would distract the audience out of the own story. Unfortunately I am only able to do my research on this specific theme through the computer, there is no much going on outdoor.

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